Phase I Pipeline Construction Table
Posted Sept. 5, 2023
The County of San Bernardino (County) has created this website to provide information to the public regarding the County’s clean-up of contaminated groundwater in the vicinity of the Chino Airport site (Airport) under the supervision of the Regional Water Quality Control Board – Santa Ana Region.
Residents and businesses in the area above the contaminated groundwater are not using untreated contaminated groundwater for domestic purposes, but obtain their potable drinking water from municipal sources, and as a result, such users are not at risk from consumption of the groundwater. Nor does the groundwater migrating from the Airport pose a risk from vapor migrating through soil that requires a response. Where such contamination is present in groundwater, it is deep below the ground surface.
Here is a brief description of the history of the Airport property and historic uses, which may have led to the contamination, as well as the nature of the contamination and the history of clean-up and investigation activities. Technical documents relating to the County’s investigation and proposed response action can be found on the Water Board’s website.
Hard copies of select documents are available for review at the Cal Aero Preserve Public Library, 15850 Main Street, Chino, CA 91708.
This information provides the community with information needed to be involved in the process to investigate and select an interim remedy, which will be set forth in the Interim Remedial Action Plan.
The County held a public workshop to receive comments from the public and answer questions related to this clean-up on January 18, 2018 at the Chaffey College, Chino Community Center.
On January 29, 2019 the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors adopted the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Chino Airport Groundwater Remedial Project and approved the Draft Interim Remedial Action Plan (IRAP) for Chino Airport. The IRAP is currently under review by the RWQCB.
The Interim Redial Action Plan (IRAP) was approved by The Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board on November 4, 2020.
Interested members of the public can also sign-up below to receive updates related to the remedial activities at the Airport.
Chino Airport Community & Involvement Plan Update May 2021
Remedial Investigation Report (Part 1) December 2014
Remedial Investigation Report (Part 2- Appendices) December 2014
Remedial Investigation Report Addendum (Part 1) April 30, 2015
Remedial Investigation Report (Part 2- Appendices) April 30, 2015
Final Feasibility Study May 2017
Draft Interim Remedial Action Plan
Chino Airport Community Involvement Plan
Human Health and Screening Ecological Risk Assessment- Part 1
Human Health and Screening Ecological Risk Assessment- Part 2